Think Safety, Work Safely
At Dyer Insulations, is our top priority! We are committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace for our employees.
- 30 hour OSHA training for all employees
- All jobs have an OSHA recognized “Competent Person” to ensure the job is done safely
- Weekly Toolbox Talks
- Unannounced safety audits at job sites done by our Safety Company
- Safety training classes held on a frequent basis
- All new employees spend their first day doing safety orientation
- Crew supplied with proper PPE
- Annual Respirator Fit Testing
- Safety manual available to employees at all times and/or on site at all times

Dyer Insulations is proud to receive the Gold Safety Award from Highwire. This award is presented to companies registering a safety score of 85-95% in the Safety Assessment Program. We are pleased to be recognized for our superior safety management program.